My dear friends,we love you so very much,
love your celebration of the new year because it is a huge reminder
that you can start fresh.You can change old habits.You can create
new,more supportive routines.You can clean out your closets—physically
and emotionally and point yourselves in new directions.
course,you can do that at any time,but when you,collectively as a human
race,choose to mark the point of a new beginning,you create a beautiful
field of energy.You create a field of hope.You create a field of
dreams.You create a field of resolve to be happier,healthier,and better
than you were before.On this day you,collectively,as a human race,point
yourself in newer,kinder,happier directions.
question is not,"What will 2022 bring to you" but rather "What 'you'
will you bring into 2022?" Will you bring the version of you that you
want to be into the new year,or the you that you have always been? Will
you change your habits one tiny step at a time,or will you do things the
way you've always done them? Will you try one new and more empowering
attitudes,or keep the same ones that bring the same results? Will you
choose kinder thoughts that allow a kinder reality to manifest in your
life,or will you allow the world to dictate your thoughts to you? In
every moment dear ones,there is an opportunity to become more and more
of the you that you want to be.
yourself as you go into this new year,"Who do I want to be at the end
of the year?" Imagine yourself at the end of the year looking back and
feeling proud of the growth you've done,proud of how you've created a
reality you love,proud and happy about the people you've attracted into
your life,and the situations,beliefs,and attitudes that you
released,Imagine how you want to feel.What kind of person do you want to
be? Take time to really attune yourself to this
beautiful,happy,healthy,empowered version of you a year into your
future.You are building an energetic blueprint for your future self.You
can tune into this version of yourself at any time.
you like write a journal entry as if you are writing it from the last
day of this year."Today's date is 12/31/2022.I am
happy,healthy,empowered,kind,compassionate,abundant….I have created….I
love my life.I love the people in it…" Write down a journal entry for
the last day of this year as if it has already happened.Make it the best
possible version of yourself that you can imagine.Make it the best
possible life that you can truly imagine.
dear ones,read that journal entry every day.Imagine it.Imagine you are
that person.Step by tiny,little step become that person.
breath is new dear ones.In every moment you recreate yourself anew.You
may have been doing something a certain way your whole life but right
now in this moment,you can choose something different.You may have been
thinking a certain way for years,but right here,right now you can choose
a thought that makes you happier.You may have had a habit for
decades,but right in this very moment,you can take the first tiny step
towards a new one.
as you celebrate your New Year,we celebrate the happiest possible new
you that you wish to become! This year,as in every year,anything is
possible.Determine now what it is you will create,who you will be,and
what your life will look like on the last day of this year.Then every
day,focus and feel your way into that reality.Inspiration will
come.Guidance will come.And if you are diligent about tuning into the
reality and feeling it,no matter what you see or feel in your life
now,then dear ones,you will read your journal entry at the end of the
year from the vantage point of actually living it.
We wish for you all that you wish for you and so much more.Happy New Year! Happy New You!
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
來自:Ann Albers
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