2019/08/28 翻譯:Jimmy
影片摘自:2012-Bashar 2.0
Could you please help me to access that “Akashic Records”, and…?
Did we not already talk about this?我們不是已經談論過這議題了嗎?
Yes, we have.
Everything is here and now. What makes you think you cannot access what you need?
I need some help.
The easiest way to access any information you require at any given moment, is to Be Your Self as fully as you can be at that moment.
Thus then by being your Self as fully as you can be, you will be living in the present as much as you can possibly live.
And thus then, the easiest way to Be Your Self as fully as you can be, and the easiest way to live in the moment which is where all information lies, is by acting to your best ability at every moment on the thing that excites you the most.
而就這樣,「盡你所能地做本是的自己」最簡單的方法,也是你「活在當下」——宇宙萬物的一切資訊都存在於當下——最簡單的方法,就是:每一刻都盡你所能地做你最感興奮熱忱的事。(即巴夏教導的「公式〝The Formula〞」:每一刻都盡全力地跟隨自己最高的熱忱行動,並對其結果絲毫不抱堅持或期待。)
Since you are asking for assistance in accessing this information, I will assume that means you're not necessarily acting on your highest Excitement every moment that you would prefer to.
So the questions we will ask is, “why not?”
I am.
Oh, no, you're not.
Or you're assuming that by acting on your highest Excitement, it won't bring you what you need when you need it.
Why do you have that definition of your Excitement that somehow something is missing from what you need to know?
If you understand that Excitement is the whole idea of complete kit, the driving engine, and the organizing principle of your physical reality experience,
then you will understand that if you are truly acting on your highest excitement and living in the present, then whatever is you know at any given moment is exactly what you need to know. And you don't need to know anything else.
So, I should'nt ask you like that then.
Well, it's not about should. You can, and it gives us an opportunity to explain in more clarity this idea of whatbeing in the moment actually does.
What we're simply saying to you is that you have all the information you need at any given moment.
And the only way that you would have the experience that you don't have the information you need at any given moment to be who it is you are, is by having a belief and a definition that you don't have enough information when in fact you always do.
So, we are asking you, why would you have a definition that says you are missing or lacking information that you believe you need?
I don't think I miss anything except for this concern. Ah…, this is in regards to another person and…
What do you mean in regards to another person?
It's about my father. The question about my father. He has a telepathic communication about 20 years or so. I was just curious what, where did it come from? And what beings?
You are saying where are the communications coming from.
Yes, thank you.
Again, if someone develops a relationship, and a connection, and is downloading information, and in that information is no indication of exactly where it's coming from, you dont need to know.
That's what we're saying.
Anything you need to know will be in any communication you receive. And if you don't know, then you don't need to.
Many times, because of the way that people on your planet are brought up, the way they are taught to think, sometimes knowing the source of some information may actually in a sense get in your way.
The idea of receiving information is to apply that information in your physical life, and to allow it to have an effect in your life.
And sometimes, just knowing and applying it is sufficient, whereas sitting there and pondering, “Where did this come?”, “Who did it come from?” may actually prevent you from really applying that information as quickly as you possibly could.
So, again the ideas is that information always comes in the way that it needs to. And if it doesn't come with any indication of exactly where it's coming from, then it doesn't need to.
And sometimes, it does that, because it always wants to, even if it is coming from your Guide, even if it is coming from another spiritual level,
even if it is coming from the extraterrestrial, even if it is coming from Source, which of course everything comes from, ultimately.
but if it comes to you in that way, then what it's telling you that is if you knew more details, if you knew more information, it would probably slow your process down of using the information that is being sent.
You understand?
I understand.
So, that's what we mean when we say that the information comes completely. And if there is certain information you don't know, then at that moment, you don't need to.
And if there's information you absolutely need to know, then something in your life, either through synchronicity or inspiration, or some form or another, will give you the information that you actually truly need as long as you understand that that's exactly how it works.
Anything you need to know, you will receive via synchronicity or inspiration
or other forms, as long as
you understand that that’s exactly how it works.